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Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii Convention

On October 21 and 22, 2022, we had our first in-person Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii Convention since the pandemic began. It sure was nice to see people face to face. I enjoyed meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends. We had good food and fellowship with each other. Our very own Mary Sueoka was part of the Peace and Reconciliation Group. She also gave a response to Bishop Bob's address to the convention.

The theme of the convention and going forward into next year is Peace is Born though Relationships. Unity in Diversity. We had Creation Care presentations from Hawaii Interfaith Power and Light and its partners. Plus, a presentation about the The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict from a Christian Palestinian’s Perspective by Jonathan Kuttab. He is a well-known international lawyer and is the co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al Haq. We were also blessed by a moving play based on information from Queen Lili'uokalani's diaries and other documented sources that took place in Washington Place by Rianna Williams. These presentations tied into our convention theme.

Yes, we did get some business done by electing folks as delegates to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. Our very own Ryan Kusumoto was elected as a deputy. We elected folks to the Council, Standing Committee and Cathedral Chapter. Plus, we passed a budget and two resolutions. All in all it was a productive and enjoyable time.

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