New Year Blessings to our good friends at Waikiki Youth Outreach!
The 5 Spiritual Tasks of Elderhood: Advent Teaching Series
The Five Spiritual Tasks of Elderhood: Sorting Out Our Stories & Forgiving
Godly Play Sunday at Epiphany Episcopal Church
The Five Spiritual Tasks of Elderhood by Rev Larry Grimm
Providing Lunch for Waikiki Youth Outreach
The Gift of Hula at Epiphany Episcopal Church
Uncle Dean Received a Prayer Blanket from Epiphany
Found Love and got Married at Epiphany
Edean and Gloria: The Altar Guild Ladies
The Church Lady: Pi 'ilani Hanohano Our Church Administrator
Mary and Dean Sueoka
BSA Troop 82 4th of July Presentation of Flags at Epiphany
Ken Sends his Aloha to Epiphany
Supporting Positive Change in the Name of Jesus Christ
We Celebrated Father Chris's Birthday
The King of Love